Total War WARHAMMER III Game Review

Beyond all the tensions of our world and petty conflicts, there exists a world filled with pure evil known as The Realm of Chaos. The realm is unimaginable to humans. It offers promises of power. However, to actually see it is to be lured by it. You must surrender your heart to it. Then you can become it.

The place is controlled by The Four Ruinous Powers, who continually seek to break their chains and plunge the whole world in a sea of corruption. Nurgle, god of the plague; Slaanesh, the lord of excess; Tzeentch, the changer of ways, and Khorne god of slaughter and blood.

Two kingdoms of great power guard the borders between worlds: Grand Cathay’s huge empire, and Kislev’s fierce soldiers. Each of them is confronting its own challenges, so they each must cross the threshold to send their armies to Chaos Realm.

The world stands on the brink of. Just one push could cause the world to fall into the cataclysm.

One man has a plan to accomplish this. The ancient god, who is determined to achieve nothing less than the power of the gods. He will require a champion to help him succeed.

The coming conflict will engulf all. Will you conquer your daemons? Oder command them.

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